Make Payments for General Donation, Membership Fee, Dev Dravya, Opex, etc.
Name of Broker Company: Charles Schwab Name of Our Account: Jain Society of San Diego, Inc.
Account Number: 3749-9755 DTC Number: 0164
Code: 40 (if required; it is usually not needed)
Mail a check
JSSD Treasurer
12219 Avenida Consentido,
San Diego, CA 92129
Note : Check make payable to “JSSD”
Contribution via Zelle App (Free and Most Preferred Payment Method) :
Please follow below steps:
Go to your bank website or use your smart phone
Go to menu, Click transfer use Zelle (You do not need to have Zelle app)
Choose to transfer funds via email address.
Choose your donation amount and send.
If you have a question related to donation, finance or expenses then please clink on the link below. Finance team will get back to you asap.
JSSD is a Non-Profit Charitable Organization. Donations are tax deductible as per 501(c)(3) Rules. JSSD Tax ID is 86-1143242 .
Note :
All Credit cards accepted , Paypal membership not required.
Please include your Name (Membership name if members) and purpose of donation in the memo of online or check payments